BNB staking provides very low returns compared to many other crypto assets. But, Binance Coin is one of the highest market cap crypto coins, with constant demand.
Binance is arguably the world’s biggest exchange, responsible for an enormous amount of daily trading volume. BNB can be used to offset trading fees on Binance, and participate in various launchpad and airdrop events.
Because of all this, BNB finds itself in many investor’s portfolios, making Binance Coin staking popular and sought after. This is why we went ahead and compared all CEXs (centralized exchanges) to find ones offering the highest returns.
Exchange: | Flexible APY: |
Binance | 0.02% |
BingX | 3.00% |
Bybit | 1.80% |
KuCoin | 0.82% |
Bitget | 2.00% |
XT | 1.90% * |
Gate | 25.40% ** |
Poloniex | 1.00% |
- * XT only has fixed duration staking, with minimum 30 days lockup.
- ** Gate has BNB lending, but not staking. We added it because of high returns.
Where to get highest returns?
- BingX currently offers the highest returns for staking BNB without lockups, sitting at 3% annual yield.
- This is followed by Bitget and its 2% yearly return.
- Bybit, despite being one of Binance’s biggest competitors, surprisingly comes at a third place here with 1.8% APY.
Binance itself offers very low staking yields for their native token, but there are many other benefits to keeping BNB on their exchange.
Is 2% APY worth it?
Similarly to other exchange’s native tokens, BNB staking also has fairly low returns. Investors who believe in Binance and expect their token to appreciate in value should do their best to make the most out of their holdings, which is why a ~2% yield can still be a good idea.
If you stake Binance Coin with flexible duration, your coins will not be locked up nor have any redemption periods. This means you can unstake and use your BNB at any time, and still reap the benefits.
BNB staking calculator
To get a rough estimate on how much you could earn with staking BNB, you are welcome to use our calculator:
It will calculate approximate USD returns only, because it’s not possible to account for future BNB price movements.
A few things to remember:
- Savings, staking or earn programs are usually not available in US and Canada. Check each exchange to ensure this is the case. Alternatively, use exchanges without KYC to bypass regional restrictions.
- We do our best to keep APY up to date, but small fluctuations are possible. Confirm current rates with each exchange.
- Yields displayed in the table are average, and available to everyone at equal terms, We excluded temporary promotional rates, new user bonus yields, or other temporarily available rates.
Most centralized exchanges have insurance and protection funds, ensuring the safety of principal funds and interest. Savings & Earn programs on CEXs do not have the same risks as staking on-chain.
Despite BNB staking having low returns, holding this token has many other benefits. Participating in staking can provide you with free BNB tokens with almost no risk.